Angela Morrell
- 1980 Post Graduate Dip. Ed. Sydney University
- 1979 Batchelor of Visual Arts, SCA
- 1978 VIsual Arts, SCA
Angela is a professional artist and educator with a career spanning more than thirty years. She has always drawn, made sculpture and jewellery as a mode of self expression. Her work is self-referencing, never far from the organic and involves a process of constant refinement.
The link between Angela as a jeweller and sculptor tends to be not only her ability to think in a multi-dimensional way but also her ability to deal with scale and form using a variety of media.
- Artist in residence at North Sydney Council, Jan thro’ to June
- Artist in residence at North Sydney Council, December
- Gallery 41 group exh.
- Darling Park
- Downing Centre Law Courts, Sydney
- Chifley Tower & Plaza, Sydney
- Governor Phillip & Maquarie Towers, Sydney
- Mosman Village Festival of Sculpture group
- Sculpture in the Vineyards, Hunter Valley group
- Australia Square, Sydney group
- Darling Park, Sydney group
- Chifley Tower, Sydney group
- Governors Phillip & Macquarie Towers, Sydney group
- Mosman Village Festival of Sculpture, Sydney group
- Sculpture in the Vineyards, Sydney group
- Australia Square, Sydney group
- Darling Park, Sydney group
- Group Chifley Tower, Sydney group
- Governors Phillip & Macquarie Towers, Sydney group
- Mosman Shopping Village, Sydney group
- Gallery 307, Northbridge, Sydney solo
- Sydney, Australia Square, Sydney group
- Sydney in Bloom, The Domain, Sydney group
- Waverley Gallery, Sydney group
- Oxley Gallery, Berrima group
- Joseph’s College, Hunters Hill group
- Darling Park, Sydney group
- Spirit Matters, sculpture & Jewellery. Bondi Pavilion solo
- Darling Park, Sydney group
- Opening, Studio 20, Killara solo
- After the Bell, Penrith Regional Gallery group
- Jam Factory, Adelaide group
- Sculpture to Wear, Santa Monica, California group
1987 – 89
- Contemporary Craft Gallery, London group
- Objects to Human Scale, Sydney group
Coppyright@:2007 Angela Morrell’s portfolio
Built, designed and hosted by NISS